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Animals and Lifecycles - Quiz: What Am I? Answers

Here are the answers. How many did you get right?

Clues Choose an Answer
I am covered in fur
I drink milk from my mother
I am warm-blooded
  • Mammal
I am cold-blooded
I am covered in scales
I lay eggs
  • Reptile
I am covered in feathers
I am warm-blooded
I lay eggs
  • Bird
I live in water
I breathe through gills
I am covered in scales
  • Fish
I am born in the water with gills
As I grow up I develop lungs
I can survive on land and in the water
  • Amphibian
I have an exoskeleton
I have more than four legs
My body has segments
  • Arthropod

Lifecycle of a frog
Lifecycle of a human being
Lifecycle of a butterfly
Lifecycle of a chicken