Ghost Mine Episode 9

Mystery at Ghost Mine an Ace Detectives Mystery Adventure

Tillie's secret

For a moment Megs doesn’t know what to do. Then she rushes round the counter and wraps her arms around Tillie, trying to calm her.

Gradually Tillie stops sobbing, then she grabs a tissue and blows her nose loudly.

Tillie Jackson with her hair up

“I’m sorry. You deserve some answers. I don’t know where to begin.”

Megan - Ace Detective

“Did you do the first break-in as well?”

Tillie Jackson with her hair up
“Yes, but I didn't want to.”

Megan - Ace Detective

“Are you afraid of someone? Did someone force you?"

Tillie Jackson with her hair up
“I need a cup of tea. Come into the kitchen and I’ll tell you everything.”

Tillie with her cup of teaTillie leads the way to a large kitchen where everything is clean, and dishes and pans are laid out for tomorrow’s food-making.

Tillie makes herbal tea for them both.



Tillie Jackson with her hair up

“It’s Bud Morgan. He’s such a nasty man.”

Megan - Ace Detective

“What hold does he have over you? Is it to do with when you lived in San Francisco?”

Tillie Jackson with her hair up
“Yes. It’s so long ago now, but it won’t go away. I was arrested a couple of times demonstrating for women’s rights.”

Megan - Ace Detective

“I saw the photo in the gift shop and wondered if maybe you'd been in touble with the police.”

Tillie Jackson with her hair up
“Things got out of control one time and a police officer died. Several demonstrators were arrested and I was let out on bail. I was scared and stupid. I went on the run and changed my name. Then I came to MacKenzie Wells and I didn’t want to run any more.”

Megan - Ace Detective

“And Bud Morgan found out?”

Tillie Jackson with her hair up
“Yes. I don’t know how. But he threatened to tell Jean and other people in town – and to turn me in to the police. I’m frightened of losing my business, and my friends.”

Megan is shaken by Tillie’s confession, and doesn’t know what to do next.


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