Ghost Mine Episode 9

Mystery at Ghost Mine an Ace Detectives Mystery Adventure

Questioning Tillie

Tillie's desk lamp and computerTillie is sitting on a high stool behind the counter. The main lights are out in the bakery and she is using a desk lamp.

Order books, invoices and receipts are spread everywhere and she is hunched over her computer entering figures.

As Megan walks through the shop Tillie looks up and the lamp casts her shadow on the wall behind her.

Dark shadow

Megs is shocked – the shape of the dark shadow stirs her memory.

She doesn’t know what to say to Tillie, so she piles the things she’s chosen on the counter and looks at the baked goods on nearby shelves.

After a couple of minutes she picks up biscuits and fruit bars – and feels ready to talk to Tillie.

Megan - Ace Detective

“I'll take all these please."

Tillie stops what she’s doing and comes to open the door.

Tillie Jackson with her hair up

“Okay, I’ll ring them up for you.”

Megan - Ace Detective

“We had a break-in at Aunt Jean’s last night.”

Tillie Jackson with her hair up
“That’s awful! Was anything taken?”

Megan - Ace Detective

“Yes – but you already know that, don’t you? You were the burglar!”

Tillie Jackson with her hair up
“What! You’re crazy!”

Megan - Ace Detective

“I don’t think so. You shone your flashlight in my face and I saw your shadow. The shape was distorted, but now I see it was your hair piled up on top of your head, under a hooded top.”

Tillie Jackson with her hair up
“That’s ridiculous! I’m one of your aunt’s best friends! Why would I break into her house and steal a worthless map?”

Megan - Ace Detective

“I didn’t say a map was stolen. Why did you do it? What are you afraid of, Tillie?”

Suddenly Tillie starts to cry. Tears stream down her cheeks and she collapses onto the stool. Megs is stunned.


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