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Animal Facts - Polar Bear

Polar Bear Habits

Polar Bear alonePolar Bears are usually solitary animals, meaning that each bear lives mostly on its own.

But if there is plenty of food in one place, several bears will live and hunt there for a while.

Polar Bear with cubAnd a Polar Bear mother lives with her cubs for about three years.


Polar Bears are very good hunters because they are strong and patient.

Polar Bear walking on the tundraThey will walk over the ice for days looking for seals, and they can swim up to 96 kilometres (60 miles) between ice floes without resting, with a top speed of 9 kilometres (6 miles) an hour.



Seal in the ArcticSeals rarely come on land and they can stay underwater for up to 15 minutes before coming up for air.

Hole in the iceThey swim around under the ice and break it with their heads to make blow holes, so they can pop up and breathe.


A Polar Bear will sit for hours near a blow hole and can kill a seal with one blow from its front paw when the seal comes to the surface.

Polar Bear waiting for a sealPolar Bear feet and claws


Polar Bear Biology >>