Life on the goldfields
Life was harsh on the goldfields. The miners worked long hours in dangerous conditions and lived in tents or huts that let in the heat and the cold.
Everyday basics like food, clothes and tools were expensive because many items had to be transported from nearby towns, or as far away as Melbourne, and sold in small stores on the goldfields.
Every digger had to pay a licence fee for their mining claim. This was about as much as a week’s wages at that time. Sometimes the administrators or managers of the goldfield were corrupt or dealt harshly with people.
Miners were sometimes harassed by the police to produce their licences, and fined or arrested if they didn’t have one or if they didn’t carry it at all times
Today around Ballarat there is still evidence of the mining activities. There are lakes that were formed from mine dams, exposed mine shafts, mullock heaps and dug out water races. You can see exhibits and interactive displays about life on the goldfields, at Sovereign Hill township, the Eureka Stockade center and at museums around the area.