Oban's Myths & Legends
The Poor Turkey Girl (continued)
At first Turkey Girl was a bit shy and found it hard to talk but gradually she joined in the dancing.
The more she relaxed, the more she enjoyed herself and danced and danced, forgetting about the turkeys.
It wasn’t until she noticed the long shadows cast by the sun as it sank behind the mountains, that she remembered the turkeys.
Turkey Girl ran from the village, ignoring all her new friends who called after her.
When she reached the canyon where she had left the turkeys it was dark and all the turkeys had gone.
Turkey Girl ran through the canyons and mountains calling out to the turkeys. She called and called but the turkeys would not answer her.
The faster she chased them the faster the turkeys ran away from her.
Brush and thorns ripped her new clothes and they became covered in dust and dirt. The beautiful necklace broke and the shells were lost in the dark.
Finally Turkey Girl stopped chasing the turkeys and walked back to the village, sobbing and dirty. She knew life would be much harder now without her good friends the turkeys.
That is why to this day wild turkeys are scattered throughout the canyons and mountains.
And because of Turkey Girl’s broken promise turkeys no longer trust humans and run away whenever we come near.
The End