Oban's Myths & Legends
Coyote and the Giant (continued)
There was a loud rumbling noise.
"Stop that! Who is cutting pieces out of my stomach" roared the giant.
"It's me Coyote. Let us out of hear or I will cut you some more".
"I won't let you out" rumbled the giant. "You will stay inside me until you die and what's left of you comes out my backside".
The people were stronger now they'd eaten the meat. Coyote said to them "Get ready to run when I tell you".
Coyote started stabbing the walls of the cave with his knife. The giant howled and roared at Coyote to stop but he kept on doing it.
Finally the giant could take no more.
"All right, you win Coyote. I'll let you out" he moaned.
"Get ready to run" Coyote told the people. The giant's mouth opened and they all rushed out into the sunlight. The giant's moaning sounded like thunder and shook the ground.
"Thank you Coyote" said the people. "Now we know what to do if we're swallowed by a giant again".
"And I know what to do if someone tells me there's a giant ahead" said Coyote.
"Go back the way I came".
The End