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Oban's Myths & Legends

Coyote makes people (continued)

Oban the Knowledge Keeper

Everyone watched as Coyote shaped a figure. Hours passed and night fell.

"It's looking good" yawned Grey Mouse.

As the stars twinkled in the sky, the animals and birds fell asleep where they sat.

Coyote did not sleep. He worked through the night, moulding and shaping the red figure.

Next morning everyone woke, snuffling and snorting and rubbing the sleep from their eyes with a wing or a paw. Coyote's new creature was alive and walking around.

"What do you think?" he asked, proudly.

"So that's a human" said Mountain Lion. "I'm hungry. I think I'll look for breakfast."

"Me too" mumbled Grizzly Bear.

Beaver and Otter decided to leave before they were eaten.

"Excuse me" said Grey Mouse to the human. "Have you seen a piece of cheese anywhere? I think I've lost a bit!" And she scurried off, twitching her whiskers.

All the animals and birds began to wander off, looking for food.

Coyote watched them then turned to the human. "I don't think they're impressed with you", he said. "Never mind. You'll find your place with them soon enough."

And that was how Coyote created people.

The End

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