Oban's Myths & Legends
Big Turtle (continued)
The sleek Otter smoothed his glossy fur, took a deep breath and slid
into the water. He was gone for a long time before he came up gasping
for air.
"It was too deep" he said. "I couldn't dive that far.
"Now it's my turn" said Beaver. He slapped the water with his tail as he disappeared. After a long time he came to the surface again.
"It's too far" he gasped. "No one can dive that deep."
Muskrat tried next and failed. "Aaaachoo!" sneezed the young girl. "This is not looking good"
"Now it's my turn" said little Toskwaye the Toad. She took a deep breath and jumped into the water. She was gone a very long time and everyone thought they wouldn't see her again.
Suddenly Otter pointed at the water, shouting "Look, look! Bubbles!"
Toskwaye's small, ugly face appeared through the water. She spat a few grains of soil onto the Big Turtle's back, then fell back into the water - dead.The Turtle ordered the others to rub the soil grains and spread them around on his shell. The grains grew and grew, until a large island was formed - big enough for the girl to live on.
It grew into our world as we know it today. And the descendants of the Sky girl became the Earth's people.
Today, some people say the whole world still rests on Big Turtles back. When he gets tired and changes his position, we have earthquakes.
Toad has not been forgotten either. American native Indians call her "Mashutaha", which means 'Our Grandmother'. No one is allowed to harm her.
The End