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Oban's Myths & Legends

Coyote makes people (continued)

Oban the Knowledge Keeper

You're all so vain. You want the human people to look like you instead of them being different."

He scratched the fur on his chin while he made some decisions.

"I'm going to give them things called hands and fingers. Fingers are flexible and can do lots of things.

Human people will be able to shape things to hunt with, make things to wear - so they won't need fur! And they'll be able to build homes to live in. They will be smart like me!"

"Oooh! Fingers!" said the animals, nodding their heads. "Oooh! Smart like Coyote!"

"And they'll walk on on two feet instead of four!"

"Two feet?" questioned little Grey Mouse. "That's a bit strange."

"What's wrong with two feet?" bellowed Grizzly Bear, stretching himself up to his full height. "I walk on two feet when I want to!"

"Now you mention it, two feet aren't that strange", squeaked Grey Mouse, edging away from those big feet that could easily squash her.

"Wait here while I get some clay" said Coyote. He went to the nearby river bank, scooped up some red clay and brought it back to the meeting.

"Watch as I shape this and you'll see what the human people will look like." He started to mould the clay. Continue