Ghost Mine Episode 3

Mystery at Ghost Mine an Ace Detectives Mystery Adventure

California Sunshine

California palm trees in sunshine

Standing in the immigration queue, Brad tells Linda not to mess around, or she might not be allowed to enter the US. Linda is quiet for once. They’re all tired after the long flight.

Finally they drag their suitcases outside, and the Californian sunshine wraps its warmth around them. Excited, they jump on the shuttle bus to take them to their car rental company. Brad completes the paperwork and they get a quick lesson in how to use the GPS. Then they’re told where to go to select a car in the lot.

They roll their cases out into the heat again and head over to the rows of waiting rental cars. Linda can’t believe that they can choose a car themselves.

Linda - Ace Detective

" Let’s get that red one over there! It’s got a sunroof!"

Brad - Ace Detective

" Wait. We need one with enough room for us all, and our luggage. Check the boot size on those over there, Ben. I’ll check the driver’s space."

Linda - Ace Detective

" It’s not the boot – they call it the trunk here!"

Brad and Ben walk up and down the rows of cars, checking the trunk size and driver headroom. They finally select a blue chevy and Brad tries out the controls while Ben and Megan load the luggage. Linda takes pictures of the car from every angle.

Rental Car at Los Angeles

When they’re ready to go, Megan hands out copies of Laura’s email with driving instructions, telling them to stay alert and help navigate. Brad drives around the lot a couple of times, to practice driving on the other side of the road, then heads out onto Lincoln Boulevard muttering “keep to the right”.

Linda is so excited she can hardly keep still. Camera at the ready, she wants to capture the LA freeway experience.

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