Deserts - Finding Food and Water
Many desert animals are carnivores. They get water from eating their
prey and living around waterholes. Other animals are herbivores and find
most of their food and water from plants. The dew on plants, and salt
that helps the plant take in water, are vital for many animals.
Desert animals find food and water in many different ways:
- Many animals stay underground during the heat of the day, and hunt at night
- Camels store water and fat in their humps. They can survive for about three weeks between drinks. Their feet are flat and cushioned, for walking on sand.
- The Thorny Devil has grooves in its skin that lead to the corners of its mouth. Condensation collects in the grooves and runs into its mouth.
- Large mammals get water from waterholes and by eating plants and prey
- Desert birds have excellent navigation skills and can find waterholes from the air.
- Animals from the dog and cat families need to live near a permanent source of water because when they pant they lose moisture as well as heat.
- Coyotes hunt by feeling vibrations underground made by small animals, and then uncovering them.
- Scorpions can go without food for a year and stay underwater for three days.
Some flesh-eating birds don' t need to drink as they can get enough moisture from their prey. Seed-eating birds need to drink daily and have to make their nests close to water. The Roadrunner flies at 30 kph (18 mph) hunting small mammals, birds and reptiles.
Reptiles don’t need as much energy as birds and mammals because they use external heat and cold to control their body temperatures. So reptiles need less food and they breathe at a lower rate, which helps them to conserve moisture.